New release SemanticMerge 1.0.65 is out

Friday, May 23, 2014 0 Comments

This is just a minor release after the changes released in 1.0.64 and solves a few customer requests.

There are 3 new tasks being merged in 1.0.65 which are:

  • New feature: Semantic diff now allows you to modify the destination file. This closes this UserVoice request
  • New feature: the diff viewer inside SemanticMerge is now updated automatically when selecting different changes. This closes this UserVoice request.
  • We've improved the parser for the C language to detect correctly the end text of the container declarations with different end of lines.

We develop Plastic SCM, a version control that excels in branching and merging, can deal with huge projects and big binary assets natively, and it comes with GUIs and tools to make everything simpler.

If you want to give it a try, download it from here.

We are also the developers of SemanticMerge, and the gmaster Git client.